Salesforce development is a one of the important modules in Salesforce to manage such as complex validations and business automation processes throughout the application. Salesfroce development allows to create custom applications and help to maintain the applications by writing the code. It is implementing by the Apex language.
Apex language is a coding language which supports the managing the Salesforce applications. Salesforce developers can use the Apex laanguage to build the custom business logics such as complex validations and business automations to enhance the productivity of Salesforce applications. Apex language also improves the Sales, Services, Marketing strategies by writing apex code. Apex languge can supports the Query language.
Mainly Apex language developed on Oops concepts. It supports the data manipulation and data management. Apex language will relate with Salesforce database to manipulate the data.
Apex language is defined by Apex class in Salesforce. An Apex class transforms multiple ways such as Apex handler, Controller in terms of Apex triggers and UI designs respectively.
Apex language is a coding language which supports the managing the Salesforce applications. Salesforce developers can use the Apex laanguage to build the custom business logics such as complex validations and business automations to enhance the productivity of Salesforce applications. Apex language also improves the Sales, Services, Marketing strategies by writing apex code. Apex languge can supports the Query language.
Mainly Apex language developed on Oops concepts. It supports the data manipulation and data management. Apex language will relate with Salesforce database to manipulate the data.
Apex language is defined by Apex class in Salesforce. An Apex class transforms multiple ways such as Apex handler, Controller in terms of Apex triggers and UI designs respectively.
Object oriented programming is a model that concepts of Objects. Objects are club of fields, procedures for the data. Oops wroks on four principles and one template model.
Objects are entities in real life. As per the technology, objects may the fields to store the user defined values. And objects also have the different kind of metadata.
In terms of Salesforce, objects are data containers which means objects support to store the different types of Salesforce data. Salesforce objects are two types those are setup and non setup objects. Setup objects are related to Salesforce system administration. Salesforce user can not create and delete the setup objects. Which does not support the store the user defined data. Only we can use them as per business requirement. a few of setup objects are Organization, User, Profile, Permission sets, Layout, Role.
Non setup objects are all standard and custom objects which allows us to store the data. Standard objects are provided by the Salesforce by default, user can't create and delete the standard objects. BUt user can create the data for standard objects and manage the standard objects and it's metadata. Salesforce user can use standard objects in Apex classes. Custom objects are user defined Salesforce objects which allows us to create data as per business requirement. Salesforce user need to create all it's metadata. Custom objects can invoke in apex classes. User can delete the custom objects.
Salesforce objects simply can say SObjects, those are invoked in Apex classes within the methods by creating the instance of the SObject. And also invoke the objects metadata by referencing the object api name. Salesforce object data also involved in Apex classes for manipulating.
Apex classe is a template to allow the Salesforce developer to implement the business logics by writing the code. Apex class is combination of variables, methods and also help us to create instance of the object to manipulate the object data
Apex classes can approach the Salesforce database directly. Whenever executes the Apex classes then inside the apex class logic stright away hits the Salesforce server and starts working the logic on Salesforce server.
Data abstraction is used to hide the all unnecessary data to the end users, but all necessary data can see the users
Encapsulation is used to restrict the variables and methods from allowing one class to another class.
Inheritance is used to reusability of code. Which can allow the upper class to lower class by using extends keyword. Then all upper class proprties are invoked in lower class. Inheritance is classified into single, multiple, heirachical, multilevel
SOQL is a Salesforce object query language. The name itself indicates that we can query the data from the Salesforce objects. Why needs the soql in salesforce means usually Salesforcce developers use to perform on the Salesforce data such as manipulating, maintaining, custom validations, automations and etc based on business requirement. To achieve all above functionalities ininitally we need Salesforce object data. But the data is available in Salesforce database.Then the SOQL comes into picture to retrieve the data from Salesforce database
To write the SOQL we need to use SELECT keyword at first place of line and choose the SObject by using FROM keyword. Means SELECT and FROm keywords are mandatory keywords to write SOQL in Apex. SOQL will allow to fetch the data by mentioning field API names.
SELECT field api names FROM SObject
SOSL is a Salesforce object search language. The name itself indicates that we can query the data from the Salesforce objects. Why needs the soql in salesforce means usually Salesforcce developers use to perform on the Salesforce data such as manipulating, maintaining, custom validations, automations and etc based on business requirement. To achieve all above functionalities ininitally we need Salesforce object data. But the data is available in Salesforce database.Then the SOQL comes into picture to retrieve the data from Salesforce database
To write the SOQL we need to use SELECT keyword at first place of line and choose the SObject by using FROM keyword. Means SELECT and FROm keywords are mandatory keywords to write SOQL in Apex. SOQL will allow to fetch the data by mentioning field API names.
SELECT field api names FROM SObject
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